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Deason's Consulting Services, LLC.

  • Bankruptcies
  • Child Support
  • Foreclosures
  • Collections
  • Evictions
  • Charge Offs
  • Judgements
  • Late Payments
  • Student Loans
  • Tax Liens

We are the experts in this industry!

Deason's Consulting Services, LLC is partnered with United Credit Education Services which is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization licensed in all 50 states.  We provide wealth coaching along with a very aggressive and successful credit restoration program. UCES has amazing attorneys specialized in financial education and credit restoration services.

Our customers are protected under The Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1971 and Consumer Protection Laws that allow us to legally dispute inaccurate, erroneous and negative items from their credit reports. We adhere to very strict Federal Trade Commision statutory regulations in the industry that require we meet our clients either in person or on a social media platform.

The initial cost to enroll is $179.00 to start and then only $89.00 per month until most items are removed and the client's goals have been met. Each case is independently reviewed and may have different results.

We offer each customer 24/7 access to their very own client portal for security reasons and include services such as:

  • Credit Restoration
  • Budgeting
  • Access To Our Lawyers
  • Debt Payoff
  • Identity Monitoring
  • Savings Goals
  • Credit Builder
  • Net Worth

To book a free consultation schedule a meeting with me by calling (832) 244-2488. 

I have successfully helped thousands of credit challenged customs for the past 13 years in at least 12 other states. We speak spanish fluently and our services are accessible in 8 different langauges.

After you have scheduled your free consultation use this to enroll and identify how we met.

Please schedule your free consultation

[email protected]

(832) 244-2488?